On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 01:20 PM, tecHead gHost wrote:

I sincerely hope that you guys are engaging in a "joke conversation".

Even if you are, I'm not finding this very funny. I would even venture to
say that it is becoming rather offensive.

Many, many people have lost their lives and familes distraught for
centuries due to the slave trade in America. I would hope that you might
have some empathy for those reading this group discussion who have been
directly affected by those atrosities.

Moderator: Please allow me a brief clarification, after which we can resume the topic of MONEY.

Slavery is alive and well right now in the Sudan and perhaps other African or even Arab countries, and that is no joke. It is empathy for their plight that led me to make the ironic post in the first place.

We should also remember the many Brazilian and West Indies slaves of the 19th century, which outnumbered American slaves at that time.

When Ben made his original comment, which indirectly referred to American policy on slavery over a century ago, I found it important to point out that real slavery exists today in some parts of the world. It was the empathetic thing to do.

Ben's and Robert's subsequent wry posts have a tone that is clearly and harshly critical of the modern slave trade. Very often mocking humor is our best antidote to the abundance of evil in the world, especially when it is very clearly mocking humor. Case in point, Mel Brooks' musical "Springtime for Hitler," a.k.a. "The Producers."

-- Patrick

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