Dear Jim,


Thanks for the link. It says in part: "Another reason to dump on the metal: the recent strengthening of the U.S. dollar and the lower than expected quarter-point cut in the federal funds rate last week."

First, I have to ask: what strengthening of the US dollar?
Stronger compared to what?  Compared to ten years ago?
Two years ago? Last year?  The start of this year?

The dollar is down, down, and down.  In what sense is it
strengthening?  Against what currency or other measure?

Then I have to ask why anyone in their right minds
would figure that the Fed would cut its rate any
faster than it has.  It has only 1% left to go before
the rate reaches zero.

Yes, the Dallas Fed has on their site some preposterous
ideas about imposing negative interest rates on the
economy.  But, the reality is that most of these are
very impractical and even the Dallas Fed says these
arrows aren't very straight.  Who knows where they
might fly.

This idea that there is excitement to be found in a
slow or slowing economy where the tools for stimulus
are nearly exhausted is baffling to me.  Look at
Japan.  They have seen their stock market plunge
for over a decade from around 20K to around 8K.  And
their central bankers have had interest rates at
zero for a very, very long time.

Recently, a friend sent me a quote from Hemingway who
pointed out that the last resorts of desperate
politicians are inflating the currency and starting
foreign wars.  Guess where that leaves Bush?



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