For all practical purposes, TGC is an unlicensed casino trying to attract
attention (and gold) to itself by making an unregistered stock offering...

Yes, isn't it marvellous!

(It's not for "practical purposes", Hareholder .. TG rants from the rooftops that they are wildly laissez faire, spectacularly unregistered, etc etc.)

These are GOOD THINGS -- likely why the share issue has been such a runaway success.

What, do you like the idea of a company being "registered" ( H A W ! ! ) in say, Nevis? (LIKE E-GOLD, FOR EXAMPLE?). Ah yes, the Nevis "government," stalwart protector of the "rights" of e-gold users.

blah blah ... attracting "sophisticated investors"
with this deal, then you must be living in a dream world... and I'm saying
that in the kindest possible sense.


But Hareholder - the huge problem with what you and Danny say is that IT IS A FLABBERGASTING SUCCESS. The first laissze faire unregistered! unlicensed! unregulated! share issue has happened - and look at the figures.

Why would one not want to hold shares in something so central to internet gold? At such an early stage?

Now, Hareholder, i can't tell if you're just a 'stirrer' (as they say in Australia) trying to be polite or someone genuinely disappointed in the TGC runaway success share issue.

If you simply oppose anything that is unregistered, unlicensed, unaffiliated with ultimately I suppose properly sanctioned world government on down, fair - then you hate the whole emerging "Cryptonomicon" if you will world. If that's the case, sure, it would go without saying you would despise everything about TGC, probably gold currencies generally (egold accounts are anonymous! whaaaaaa!) and that TGC share issue would throw you into paroxysms of hate.

For me (and presumably very many people, observe the success of the share issue) capitalism is as capitalism does. To me the idea of a regulated stock market is as utterly dismissable as say "government schooling" or "government medicine" - but that's just to me. if you seek say Nevis regulations, yes, everything about the whole affair would be contrary to your views.


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