... I heard an ad for an outfit called "purchaseacasino.com." The ad promised high (vague...) profits and claimed it was easy money. They gave an 800 number but I didn't have a pen. http://www.purchaseacasino.com/ is their site. It would be interesting to follow an investor there vs an investor at DBourse and see who does better in five or ten years.

Also, I wonder what a person like Danny could uncover out about this outfit, beyond what little we know about DBourse principal(s). I got absolutely-nothing from their site -- same as DBourse...

This sort of thing is utter crap Jim. In the industry they are called "franchizers" or "twenties" (for years it was always "twenty thousand dollars!" to "own" your "own online casino!" from this sort of outfit)

About every single week some civillian writes to ISL (I can show you the email!) and asks, how much for you to set up the software for an online casino for me. And my producer writes back and says "three or four hundred thousand for the software" and then you need to contact someone else for CRM software, an office for scores of help desk staff, relationships with a banks, "licences" (ROFL) from all possible jurisdictions, telephony, etc etc etc.

half the time they write back and say, oh, there's this group in! canada! that will sell me a WHOLE! online casino with! credit card handling etc for 20 thousand! so ... that's a "franchizer" or a "twenty"

There are dozens and dozens and dozens of them on the web Jim like the above.

Here's how they come about .. in one of two ways:

(i) some pathetic software company tries to Get Into Making online casino software. they make all the effort to set up the software and realize its impossible to "break in" to the industry, so they say to themselves, shit, we'll become a "twenty"

(ii) some poor little online casino is set up that makes no money (ALMOST ALL OF THEM, THIS IS THE CASE - the industry is dominated by a few big groups that own the 200 or so large online casinos that do the untold billions each year) so when it all falls apart and the poor buggers end up making $3,562 a year, they try their hand at selling "franchizes" with a new logo and DOM on top.

(It goes without saying if you "buy" one of these things you might make, say, ten dollars. {That will be when you play yourself to test it.} Also, anyone in the "onshore" world (USA, England etc) who has anything to do with owning an OC -- even one of these absurd "franchize" ones -- is simpy nuts.)

What people fail to understand is this: online casinos are a totally mature business endeavour. ie, the margins are paper thin and the big groups are huge. they just churn TENS OR HUNDREDS of millions of dollars in online advertising - it costs 200-300 bucks per player to get a player, and the average player spends 10% more than that after (huge) support costs etc., so for every 10 million invested you can make $155,000 after interest charges, sort of thing. Big boring business. Taking on "online casinos" is like taking on "washing powder manufacturers" It's really nutty

Incidentally ISL is not at all a "big player" in the online casino software field or anything (not like, say, Boss Media, wager logic or whoever) -- we just by fluke did an installation for a client back in the 90s, and had a handful of sales in the years following. Just a sideline.

Tragic little failing online casinos (ie, almost all of them which are set up) follow a predictable path .. stage 1 ... sad attempt at spending (like "over two thousand dollars!") on marketing; profit made of 10 or 20 dollars ... stage 2, the "discounting" stage .. desperate offers of free money for players, spectacular prizes, bizarre odds, 5 for 1 bonus deposits, etc .. stage 3 ... desperate attempt to sell property to one of the major casinos (rofl) ... often leading to stage 4 .. the poor buggers give up and try their hand at being "twenties" .. "franchizers" .. selling "complete! online! casino! packages!" for $7,500 or the like.



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