Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
Marc Stiegler, author of the science fiction book _Earthweb_.

If I'm first, click to money to the birds!

Wow, martincam-popularity soars! Thanks, Jeff! The two
grams will go to good use.

The darpa site does not mention taxes & I wonder how (& who) the questions are chosen ;)

IMO Darpa's version of the idea is/was a hothouse-flower.

Marc was talking about REAL markets, with all their little
good and bad points, and a real market doesn't have things
like limited numbers of only-politically-correct entrants
or other un-natural limitations. Darpa's version of Marc's
idea is akin to a wheat field, Marc's is more like a nice,
dangerous, productive, exciting coral reef.

True intelligence markets will only be effective when they
embrace intellectual diversity (which could, come to think
of it, explain a few "sensitive" things these days). It's
good news that this idea got out there, even in blinkered-
form as it did, IMO.

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