Hello everybody
I am pleased to update you all with some quick news from PayByGold.com ,

1. Now trading WebMoney.*****
We are now accepting WM USD funds, both for in and outexhanges, as well
as for ecurrency to ecurrency exchanges. WebMoney offers a very secure
interface for online payments and it is extremely popular in many
Eastern European countries. More info on the system can be found at
www.wmtransfer.com *****

2. VirtualGold added to our suite of Gold Backed Currencies. ***** 
We are pleased to welcome www.virtualgold.net to the family of Digital
Gold Currencies that we deal in. We have been in contact with the
ownership and management for a long time as they were working on their
website, and we are very confident VirtualGold will soon become
extremely popular amongst members of the GoldEconomy. Our website is not
yet showing VirtualGold as a traded ecurrency, but if you wish to fund
your VG account by wire, check, MoneyBookers, Credit Card or exchange it
with any other ecurrency, pls just drop me a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for further details.*****



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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

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