This list system is totally whacked! Again, I didn't receive the digest (for
Tuesday), so I'll change to receive each message. I tried the online list
and the messages are mixed, both Previous and Next buttons display newer and
older messages, mixed. I also see some messages that I didn't get in my
previous digest :(  Let's see if each message gets to me when it's supposed

I already talked offlist but I'll also tell everybody why the existing
options are not... an option. None of the existing sites can offer true
protection (as you'll see below) from a persistent Big Brother. I was
inquiring about a professional service:

The entire management of the user account must be done through the Internet
browser (so it would be accessible from anywhere, without having to install
special software), secured with SSL. "Account management" means the
management of the user name and password, SFTP upload and download
(including subdirectory navigation). Big Brother could be monitoring my
Internet connection, so if there is no SSL, my data could vanish because BB
would be able to retrieve my password for the account (and delete the data).

One critical point is the fact that users must not be able to retrieve their
password through any means. If they lost the password then it's gone for
good, but they could be given a temporary password to read the files, but
not to write / delete them; this can also be done by creating a temporary
directory (active for 48 hours) where the original files are copied (so, if
they are deleted, the originals are intact). Otherwise, BB could ask the ISP
of the user, access to the user's email account to retrieve the password by
asking the password from the service provider.

Of course, if a user looses the password, he can simply stop paying for that
account, and the account would be deleted when it would expire.

Another must is to have the servers somewhere offshore, else the government
could blackmail the service provider to delete the account (including data)

of a specific user.

Also, I wouldn't let any Internet enabled program to access a PGP disk, so
direct transfer is out of the equation.

George Hara


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