Dear Friends,

Many of you have been enjoying a price rise in gold.
If you haven't gotten the news, there is a good deal
of information going around to the effect that gold
is headed up, probably to around the $410 price, in
the very near future.  The expectations are consistent
for both fundamental and technical reasons.  Experts
like Jim Sinclair have been vigorously advertising the
expectation of higher prices.

So, what better time to have a sale! is offering e-gold in any amount for a flat
in-exchange fee of $12, up to $40,000 available.  First
come, first served.  That's .03% if you buy the whole
lot.  (Yes, three one-hundredths of one percent!)

We accept bank checks, money orders, and bank wires
on this offer.  E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and mention
this flat-rate offer.

Used to paying 3% for your e-gold?  Great!  Send $412.
Want to pay 1% for your e-gold?  Better!   Send $1212.
Looking to buy e-gold for 0.5%?  Super!    Send $2412.

Act now, supplies are limited, and this offer will
expire soon.

You have to e-mail me to get the instructions on how
and where to send your funds.



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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common viruses.

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