Danny Van den Berghe wrote:.
Hmm, I see the TGC stocks trade down at 90.
This person who put in a low bid at 90 got his 5 shares rather quickly.

I think you mean "sold." I wish I had pounced on one, actually, but I was too slow.

That in itself is not such a problem, but one would expect to see more bids
coming in at 90 if there is any demand out there.
Why pay 100 if somebody succesfully bought at 90 by putting in a low bid?

https://www.dbourse.com/guests/ ask the couple of folks who just snagged 8 shares at 100! A market works in mysterious ways.

Those who are looking to buy TGC shares have nothing to loose by putting in
bids at 95, 90 , even 85.
Where are they? Has demand completely dried up already?

Ok, JP, time to gin up a bid or three! ;)

I also don't see how you can ever have anything like "a reasonably active market" with only 400 shares trading.

That's because you and I have different definitions for reasonable. It's
a baby market, that's all! It's fun to watch it grow. JMR

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