> >Moreover, I won a bet with jpm here on the list more than a year ago, and
> the $100 has never been seen.
> Wait, Danny - are you talking about your program for converting
> e-gold's gif images to numbers?
> As I've said to you a dozen times ...
> Put it up on the web, let people feed in a few images, see if it
> works, if it does I'll happily pay the $100
> Even though you still haven't done it for, what, a YEAR ?!!

Excuse me, but I'll copy here the original challenge you gave me in
early February 2002 (you can still check the list archives for it):

"> >This turing image does not defeat the automatic attack. All I need is a
> >capture of the turing image combined with some OCR software, quite
> But Danny, it's not quite simple at all!
> You're simply wrong!  I'm sorry!
> I'll give you $100 right now if you can set up your computer to
> convert Jay's turing image to ascii text within a day.
> Go for it!"  EOQ

There is not any mention about putting it on the web.
You challenge me "to set up MY computer to convert ..."
I did set up MY computer by the next day, and posted the little visual basic
program I had made for it here on the list complete with source code.
A few others have tried and seen that it worked.
Cracking the turing numbers was easy. At that point I had fulfilled the
Not surprisingly e-gold has put in better versions of the turing numbers not
long after.

Afterwards you complained that it had to work on your Mac, and it should be
on a webpage.
We call that "changing the challenge after the bet is lost"
Do you really think I will spend another 6 hours of work to put it on the
web for you and get the $100?
Unrealistic. I charge more than $15 an hour, sorry...
And then maybe you will change the challenge again...
Ah no.
I simply concluded that either you cannot admit a lost bet, or perhaps $100
is a lot of money for you.
So, I just decided to 'put in your soup' once in a while, I don't need this
$100 from you.

> Is there something unclear about this??!!

No, it is very clear. You changed the challenge after I won the bet.
Your words are there: I have to set up my computer...
I did that and showed others how they could do it too.

> $100 waiting!

Sorry, but in February 2002 gold was at $290 an ounce.
I am also suffering from the same currency effect I have tried to explain
That $100 would have been 0.34 ounces back then. Which is $130 at todays



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