Dear Jim,

Jim Davidson wrote:
I wonder if this post about nuggets for sale on
eBay might have inspired Frank's post about the
dangers of eBay/PayPal.

What are the dangers of ebay? I realise paypal is owned
by ebay but for the average person bidding on my gold nuggets ;)
or placing an item for auction what are the dangers? Particularly
if they take up my offer and use e-gold in order to receive a 5% discount.

On Sunday, Sep 14, 2003, at 23:04 US/Central, Asiana Gold wrote:

Australian Gold Nuggets for auction on ebay.

It is certainly a disappointment to investors in to see eBay being used for these auctions instead. I wonder what might make more attractive as a venue for sellers. needs to advertise more and attract more
potential buyers. It is hard to beat the exposure provided by ebay.
For example both of my gold nugget auctions have received around 20 people
each looking at them and my auction to sell an ounce of e-gold has
received over 65 visitors!

I think ebay is an excellent way to introduce people to e-gold
and gold currency in general. I always offer a discount on my
auctions for e-gold and this had resulted in a few people opening
e-gold accounts and becoming regular customers at AsianaGold.
I'm sure there are others who have discovered e-gold though our auction
listings too.

The main reason I sell gold nuggets on ebay is to build a
reputation. People value ebay reputations and they are widely

It is also interesting that you seem to ignore Frank's favorite site, which might be a good venue for sales.

I have not ignored In fact I paid them some gold for displaying our gold price charts recently.

I'm sure is a good site to sell gold nuggets on
and I have recently looked into joining. I'm curious to know
how many members I can potentially sell my gold nuggets
to before I spend the yearly membership fee?



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