Being an ex-banker (I'm proud of the 'ex' not the 'banker') before joining
the tech crowd at a time it wasn't quite fashionable yet, I can still see
how both sides think. The problem with any online system that has suits
involved is that they believe that throwing money at a problem will surely
make it go away. Trouble is, once you throw money at something online, the
money will vanish and more is needed. It appears, the trick to succeed
online is to keep overheads miniscule while providing outstanding service
and relying on satisfied customers for marketing.
These are three things that an MBA will never grasp after leaving Harvard
and falling victim to the street.

In the end, the more of them fail, the more customers are left for smaller
ventures run by people who actually know the concerns of online operators.
Now, how can we get rid of PayPal? ;o)


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