Dear Patrick,

>Why stop at 10%?  Crank it up to 20%

>> He is not creating any value...
> Other people are creating the value.

Really?! Why should they create value if you don't. You tell Danny not to
stop at 10% inflation, yet you want *other* people to create value. And you
talk about slavery now?

> and that all of the thousands of years of human economic development
before that point was  thwarted and stunted by their primitive, stubborn,
reptilian, and unenlightened insistence on using hard commodity money

> No wonder they put a man on the moon -- it's amazing what you can
accomplish with slave labor if you keep the slaves fed and entertained

Oh ya! No slavery before 1920!

Yes Steve, I agree with what you just said, but what you don't accept to
understand is that USA is the only country that can afford to inflate its
currency because the USD circulates in the entire world. So, for the other
countries of the world it doesn't matter if they use or not gold as
currency, because they can't afford to print more money than their assets'

Best regards,
George Hara


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