Dear Jim,

> As Beardsley Ruml pointed out in the 1940s, with the ability to
issue currency, the government has no need to tax. It can print
as much money as it will ever need. Therefore, in his view, the
function of taxes such as the income tax and the inheritance tax,
is not to fund the government or provide for constitutionally
mandated functions. Instead, the function of these taxes, he
wrote in his article for American Affairs magazine, is the
redistribution of wealth. From whom? From those capable of
producing wealth.

I think that is true, but only if there *is* inflation. So, when Danny said
10% inflation, I believe he was thinking about it in a system where there is
no income tax (he said he prefers such a system).

I would like to draw everybody's attention that now, in Russia, the income
tax for people (not companies) is unique (no progressive taxation levels)
and around 14%, and they are doing well since it was introduced.

As you point out, the average american pays 50% taxes. Do you think that a
system with no inflation and with a flat 5 - 10% income tax (for everybody,
person or company) is also theft? I have in mind that there is no other type
of tax, like: VAT, property tax, welth tax... whatever. Obviously, I am
thinking that the income tax is used for what the country needs (even if you
would say you or anyone else don't know what the country needs). Does this
kind of system seem fair to you (or anybody else who wants to answer)?

George Hara


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