Dear Gordon,

Since when does the government issue paper money?

According to the USA constitution, they cannot. No state shall make anything but gold or silver a tender in payment of debt, according to Article 1, Section 10, and there is a specific prohibition against the national government doing anything that has not been specifically delegated to it (amendment 10), reserving such power to the states, or where the states are prohibited, to the people.

I thought it was the federal reserve in this case?

The Federal Reserve takes responsibility for the issue power of money, but it does so under authority delegated to it by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. I think this act is unconstitutional, but that's another matter.

The Federal Reserve has the power to print money from
Congress.  So, it is a governmental power.  It is this
government issue power of money which Friedrich Hayek
found objectionable in his book _The Denationalization
of Money_ published 1976, and which EC Riegel found
horrifying in his books _A New Approach to Freedom_ and
_Flight from Inflation_, 1946 and 1952 respectively as
I recall.

I think Riegel's books are available for gold from

For a review of the many constitutional issues relating
to a central bank for the United States, I recommend
you Google for Andrew Jackson's veto message regarding
the renewal of the Second Bank of the United States. It
is one of the most well-written documents, assembling
as it does all the arguments against fiat money,
against foreign ownership of the banking cartel, and
identifying the constitutional limits not only of
Congressional power, but also the obligation to enforce
these limits which all branches of government are
supposed to uphold.

Even so, I think the framers of the constitution were
mistaken in vesting any power over coining money or
involving money in any branch of government.  There is
plenty of evidence, and there was then, that governments
are irresponsible about issuing money, and that the
free market has always provided plentiful money
whenever called upon to do so.

Happily, I don't expect the USA to last much longer.
Sic semper tyrannis.  Deo vindice.



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