Hello Joe,

It is unlikely that it would change anything on the currency situation,
really. The Chinese (Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, ASEAN, South Africa
-take your pick) are interested in a weak currency in dollar terms and
will continue to buy all dollars as soon as they enter the country
(outright if the currency is pegged, China, Malaysia, etc. or through the
market if it isn't, Japan, South Africa, etc.).

This keeps their currencies low and the US dollar high. But it also means
that it keeps gold under some pressure because they can't use the dollars
to buy gold with it. Instead they have to buy something that keeps the
dollars in dollars, which is, of course US bonds, bills, even mutual funds
and stocks.

One of the things the press was never too keen on saying is that the
current 'interim bull' on Wall Street is almost entirely foreign funded.
The reason for that is that Asia doesn't have a choice (yet). They can
only invest dollar income into dollar denominated assets, paper for paper
if you will.

Of course, China is the most striking example for this, but it holds true
in many other countries as well. A strong dollar keeps things cheap in
Asia. A falling dollar would be a disaster, because in the end, it would
increase domestic prices in China as well. A market were the consumer base
is still being built.

Yes, many Chinese are likely to buy 'some' gold. But if they want the
actual metal and there is a lot of them, then things become tricky, 'cause
it ain't there and China can't buy it in large quantities because they
would use dollars for that, wich would increase the dollar supply
internationally, which would cause the dollar to drop, which... you get
the picture, unless of course, they barter it from Malaysia, South Africa
or Russia...


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