(JIM D) """I think Gold-Pages.net already offers some of these things,
though I don't agree with everything they have to say about my exchange

Jim email me what the problem is and I'll fix it for you. If you are
referring to the start date, sorry that is the only thing I can't change
as three other exchange providers have complained about that date and Alex
had to change it.

But you say ..."some of the things they have to say about your exchange
service" is there something else, beyond the date? Because I am not aware
we have ever said anything publicly or privately about you or your
service, we just make lists like the phone book, we don't render opinions.

As for the "Daily Rates Sheets" --Just as with the EcMA if 3-5 other
members complain and present valid reasons we make a change.

There are "review" links in all sections of the Gold Pages next to each
listing you can create a review of any listing in our directory, it will
be published and all will see it, but no one has put one in on you, so am
I missing anything?

Just let me know, if its incorrect I'm happy to change it for you or
anyone else.

BTW the newly redesigned Gold-Pages.net with the graphic PHP version of
the "how to buy e-gold" flow chart Wizard will be included. This shows Joe
Q. Public, over 30 popular exchange providers and 99% of all the methods
now available and used to purchase e-gold including the walk in banks,
with links to their nationwide branch locators. It is filter down to the
agents by what method is being used.  I hope it will be very helpful. 
Agents can change their info anytime automatically, such as rate changes,
address etc.

It has NOW never been easier to find out how to buy e-gold. (shameless
plug) Look for the PR around Wednesday.


The EcMA will be happy to list with each member their public pgp key,
digital signature, both or something else you tech guys think works to
identify the individual. You tell me what is most effective and I'll
include it no charge, we've got plenty of server space I'll provide it for
free. Data entry, sql db, programming but you have to show me what is the
best method and what is needed.  I'm new to the digital sig.

I just wrote Jeff for his ideas. If you have an idea on what will improve
the industry and it can go on a web, please write me so I can include it.
We are a marketing group and our goal is to assist merchants and agents to
GROW the industry.

The Gold Industry IMHO is right now where CC's were in the late 60's early
70's. So what got them so popular? More places accepting them, more banks
offering them, lower fees? More understanding of how they work? Why did
you get that Amex in 1972? or the VISA card is 1980? Because everyone
accepted it, it was cheap and easy or because more places offered them.

Or was it just convenient for us lazy Americans?  You answer those
questions for me and we will move in that direction.
We are making the directory to show everyone where to spend it. We are
forming the Merchant Association to show merchants, agents and newbies how
easy it is to get started accepting it and tips for expanding their
current e/c biz.

Remember when ATM cards first came out and no one would use them, only
like two machines in a city and "oh what it the machine makes a mistake
and I lose all my money"

Why are they so popular now, because banks give them away for free, the
machines are on every corner or just plain convenience. You figure that
out and the 2.5 billion e-gold did next year will be 25 billion.

Thanks for your support.

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