Most of the issues have been covered very adequately  more than once very
adeptly by the very vocal Jim and Ragnar so I am only going to respond to
a few points.

1.  Who speaks for the GDCA?

I noted an attempt to divorce the officers from the President in a recent
email.  Someting along the lines of why would the officers put up with
Jim's style of address or words to that effect.

I, for one am happy with Jim as the President of the GDCA. Just the sort
of person to hold the ship when the winds of critisicm start to fly.  He
is a person who can and does debate and is a strong individual.  Yes he
is outspoken, Yes he does not stand for any shit. Every organisation
needs a strong individual at the helm, particularly in the early days
when it faces the inevitable attackes to see if it can stand up for
itself in the world.  But I for one would be glad of him beside me in a
dark alley I can tell you. I believe he was an excellent choice as
President of the GDCA and will be happy to stand beside *him* in a dark
alley day of the week.

"But you didn't answer the question", I hear the plaintive call.
Currently all the officers are qualified to respond to posts on the
lists.  As we become more bedded down as an organisation, posts will be
more clearly deliniated and eventually one person will, most likely, be
selected as the spokesperson for the association. Press releases and
statements will continue be issued from time to time.

No ....  I am not going to tell you who that will be.

We also don't need any suggestions thank you :)

2.   Officers of the eCTA & GDCA.

May have been iterated before, but the officers are *not*  all the same.
Additionally the officers of the GDCA were selected and invited to
participate *after* the formation of the GDCA by the shareholders of the
GDCA through their representative. Not before.

There is no conspiracy here. I will leave that to the bankers,
conglomerates and the politicians who take their orders.

3)    Differences between the eCTA and the GDCA.

Those that understand the difference can skip this part.  For the benefit
of those who are unable to differentiate, here is the difference.

The eCTA was made up of exchange providers only and was formed up for the
protection of exchange providers.

The GDCA is a organisation of business professional operating in the
digital market place.  As such it includes *anyone* who is operating in
this field and gives them the opportunity of establishing a reputation
based upon fact rather than opinion.

The eCTA listed various currencies and member exchange providers for the
benefit of the public and helped to establish the concept of reputational
status, in this occasion, by accreditation.

The GDCA lists exchange providers, merchants, currency providers and soon
individuals and reputation is expressed by a points and level status.

The eCTA Board was elected by Vote.

The GDCA Board was selected by invitation.

There are a great many other differences but I do not want to belabour
the point. If anyone still cannot see the differences they can email me
privately for a dessertion on the subject.  As the originator of the
concept and the co-founder of the eCTA and a member of the GDCA Board I
consider I am well qualified to do so.

4) Who is behind the GDCA?

Firstly let me say that I, like many of you, have seen web sites that are
totally convincing, have fantastic information, graphics et al and even
piccies and phone numbers and addresses and yet not worth the pixels they
are displayed with.

By the same token there are sites  (such as
where there is no photo of Gibson.  There is an address with a fax and a
recorded voice message phone number (I am sure gibbo does not want phone
calls at 4 am in the morning,  I certainly don't!) yet it is one of the
most trusted sites on the next.

I am sure many of have gone there and checked your machine through
Gibsons tools.

It basically is the wrong question.  The question is,  What is the GDCA
doing that can help people select who they should trade with?

The officers carry the responsibility of the effective and successful
running of the GDCA.  That's their job.
All the 'but what ifs...' are irelevant as are usually a covert attempt
to shoot something down on the basis of what they *might* do. The GDCA
will not change, fall down or drop dead on the basis of what some person
'thinks' the gdca might do.  The GDCA will continue to work to do it's
job and provide the best service possible.

It is not here to take over the world. The GDCA *is* here for the
duration however.  To following it's consitution and be the best most
effective association it can be. The vast quantity of feedback we receive
is a positive statement of welcome. There are, and will always be, the
carpers who like to pick and poke. The GDCA will continue to following
its course.

BTW  applications for membership are increasing!

Once it was said, I don't quite recall by whom, "The dogs bark...but the
caravan moves on".  Very appropriate of the GDCA.  

Michael Moore - Vice President
Global Digital Currency Association.
'Because Reputation Counts'

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