"The second item of concern for me was that because some people equate TGC
shares with e-gold there is an inherent potential of perceived
inflationary tendencies."

But they do so mistakenly; even in the context of private exchanges I am
not sure how such inflation is possible (see below.)

"Imagine there were 20 ventures listed with a combined market cap of USD
2,000,000.00 imagine further that people are keen on getting their hands
on these shares. First there is a run on e-gold, 2,000,000.00 dollars'
worth. Once the shares are bought and the sellers cash out there is a
2,000,000 dollar worth of e-gold surplus. Great times for exchangers. But,
during the run and the subsequent oversupply e-gold Ltd would need to
ensure enough flow of first e-gold and later cash."

I see little problem here and positively massive profit potential for both
OmniPay and whatever lucky market maker gets this hypothetical order ...
because e-gold is a fully-backed, fully redeemable digital gold currency
there can be no inflation in the sense of mysterious increases in e-gold
circulation not directly correlated to an increase in the pysical gold
stored in e-gold's assorted contracted storage facilities (audit pending.)
 I could offer a sale of one TGC share for 1,579,000 grams of e-gold, but
because this represents a greater sum of gold than all e-gold currently in
existence (1,578,274.17 according to http://e-gold.com/examiner.html
[audit pending]) I would not likely find a buyer (not to mention the TGC
shareholders who would no doubt gladly accept a scant 1,250,000 grams or
other such relatively competitive prices for their own shares.)

"Of course, there is OmniPay to ensure that flow. But, how long would they
need to add $2,000,000 worth of gold to the storage and later to sell the
same amount?"

It is certainly possible that OmniPay would not simply sit on that $
2,000,000.00 in case someone needed it; I consider it highly unlikely that
they maintain a liquid cash reserve in excess of $ 20 million on the
off-chance that all of the four e-metal currencies maintained by G&SR were
suddenly out-exchanged en masse.  It is not neccessary for them to do so;
after all, e-gold is fully backed by and fully redeemable for physical
metal, so it is no particularly difficult task for them to simply
liquidate the underlying metal in order to gain adequate cash to
facilitate the out-exchange.

Anyone attempting a $ 2,000,000.00 e-gold out-exchange might find himself
subject to the law of supply and demand (i.e., demand for the service of
exchanging e-gold for cash); however the transaction would be
easily-enough handled by the parties involved, if perhaps at a somewhat
slower pace and more expensive rate as most of us have come to take for
granted with all of the established market makers.


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