> > but does egold expand the gold available? ...
> All I know is that e-gold claims that if I bail a gold bar into the
> e-gold system, that gold bar sits in a vault and is not used to make a
> loan or purchase of any kind.  Thus, the gold bar itself no longer
> functions as money except in the form of the e-gold grams representing
> it, and therefore there is no increase in the money supply.

We come to a very interesting point here.
Patrick argues that the gold sitting in a vault to back up the e-gold in
circulation is no longer functioning as money (supply), because it is not
supposed to ever come out of the vault and be used as a means of exchange in
the economy.
Instead the e-gold grams whose ownership changes electronically , is
functioning as 'money'

The same could be said about dollar bills sitting in a matress in India.
As long as they are in the matress, they are not in fact part of the money
These dollars could sit in the matress for 20 years and never facilitate any
exchange of goods during that period.

Now if we go back to a 'gold only' economy.
What happens if a Bill Gates there puts 20% of his gold earnings in a vault,
with the idea of only using it when really necessary.
This growing pile of gold could be untouched for the next 30 years, not
facilitating any exchange of goods in the economy.
Using the same reasoning as above, this gold in the vault is no longer part
of the money supply, as long as it remains in Bill's vault.
If only gold is used as money in this country, the inevitable result is that
the available money supply is going down.
Less money available to go round in the economy, will mean less economic
, the same money could start going round faster, but there are limits to
how fast money can circulate...

So, in a system like this , with a limited money supply (gold), saving
becomes counterproductive because it decreases the availabe money supply
causing economic decline.
How can this problem be solved?


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