> Friends, 
> Does anyone know of a good software that tracks click-throughs
> or does other referral tracking, like gauging the effectiveness
> of banner advertising?
> Thanks.
> =====
> Regards,
> Ragnar


I recently also went looking for a link traking system and I came across
this site: http://urltrak.com/?266:UrlTrakAff:egold As you can see that's
my referral link that's being tracked. Here are the things I liked most
about it:

- You can setup a link once, and post it in diff locations and track the
locations without having to setup a new link. e.g. If I was to setup a
banner link to my refferal link above, I'd just enter
http://urltrak.com/?266:UrlTrakAff:bannerlink and I can start tracking it
- You can use your own domain for the tracker link
- Real Time Stats
- Daily, weekly, monthly stats
- Stat search feature
- Unlimited link tracking
- Cloaker Url for use in Google and other search engines
- Track 'views' of your html emails or web pages without needing someone
to click the link
- Tracking link generator
- Gives detailed stats of the referrer, IP, ISP, Browser, OS and you can
search by any of these
- Shows you which hits are from your IP
- And it only costs $4/mth and if you pay for 3 or more months, you get a
- It accepts paypal & stormpay which isn't so great for e-gold users (coz
they use subscriptions) but stormpay can easily be loaded with e-gold
which is what I did.

I hope this helps. Here is the link once again:

Kind regards,

Mahomed S. Hussein.
Do you get 1500Mb space & 15GB transfer,
unlimited POP3, Autoresponders, CGI, PHP,
MySQL, subdomains & more?

If not then you need to visit
http://reihtec.biz/egold-hosting to rectify this.

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

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