Dear Chuck,

Your message is very welcome.  What you've included is a
typical scam-spam.

I don't know if the "Dear To_Complete To_Complete" line
is working, but that would probably become the e-gold user
name and number at some point.  These names and numbers
are easy enough to get off the e-gold SCI.

The message is definitely not from e-gold.  In fact, you
can see from the headers that it is from Russia, without love.

Received: from (

Furthermore, the scammer sent along a return-path:

You'll notice this part of the message:
You must complete this process by clicking on the link below and
entering your e-gold account number and password.

Never, ever agree to do so. Anyone clicking on any link in any e-mail and entering their e-gold account number and password is doing something that e-gold would never request you to do. E-gold does not ask you to verify anything by clicking on a link in an e-mail and entering your account number and password. Ever.

This is done for your protection --- becaurse

Further comment here would be silly.

The actual address, while it appears to be an
address, is actually at:

Da = yes in the Russian language.  Presumably, the domain is hosting someone's account named "Goldan."
Vladimir Ermakov of or Vitaly Peresetsky
might be persons to contact there with inquiries on
this matter.  It should no take them long to bring down
the scam site.

It shouldn't take too long to pull the
e-mail accounts, either.



--- You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common viruses.

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