
Just pointing a few things:

To Danny:
> Scammers don't like criticism.  I think you are very
> likely a scammer.

To Robert:
> No doubt you would have ridden a tank in the general's rank
> while the blitzkrieg raged and the fighting stank, to quote
> the rock lyric.  I have no sympathy for the devil.

To Robert:
> I'd like to know why you keep using violent metaphors for
> my writing.

... you were saying?

Anyway, about e-land...

You don't like Danny's e-land idea because of the historical example of John
Law. Anyone new to the DGC world could and should argue DGCs are scams,
because they have the OSGold example to support the theory. Not convenient,
is it? Just because in some line of business there were / are scammers, it
doesn't mean everybody in that business is a scammer.

However, I would not use anything else than gold as the digital currency
backing asset for a very simple reason: risk. Unlike gold investment, land
investment comes with a higher risk. This means land might generate profit
for the investment, but might also generate losses.

Most people like to invest their money in "safe" places (like vaults,
banks), and only few like to invest in high risk investment programs. I see
land, e-land as a high risk investment program, with no bad connotation,
it's just an investment with a higher risk than gold investment, or savings
accounts. Using land, eland, gold, egold as currency, means investing in
these assets.

Regarding another topic... savings are good for the economy because they
free it of some debt. Some people save money to be able to buy something at
a later time. This "something" may be a clear idea when the saving starts,
or just something fuzzy. Instead of borrowing money to buy that "something"
now, people save money to buy later (and are not stressed by the interest of
a loan). What a great thing savings are! ;)

George Hara


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