Hi all,

Since the problems with the green cashcards that started back in month of
June 2003, Vcash and cashcards users had hard times cashing out their
VCash from the system. Now it became impossible and a big scam, bigger
than the OSGold, Steve Renner is preparing.

Since September, he is promising the new Gold Cards. Be aware! It's end of
November and it should be obvious for everyone that the promised GoldCards
will NEVER COME. Steve Renner just took his time and prepared well so he
can run with all our money!

I have $3,265 in my VCash account and I tried to cash it out through
e-gold and my account was locked.  E-mails, phone calls, but no answer at
all. Steve Renner is hiding and everyone of people who still have money in
their Vcash accounts - all we will be his victims.

The scam was prepared longtime ago, first he took out any possibility of
cashing out your VCash, but constantly accepting lots of ways of getting
money and selling you WORTHLESS Vcash. So once you fund your VCash
account, you can kiss your money goodbye, if you try to cash them out,
your account will be locked.
Steve Renner takes only inexchanges, and no outexchanges. And the Gold
Cards obviously are just another BIG lie. He fooled most of us, but not

Anyone who has informations on Steve Renner: let's gather our informations
and catch him before he decides to run to a private island in Pacific !

Sincerely yours
Patrick Vehebungen

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