At 3:29 PM +1300 11/19/03, Sidd wrote:
>James M. Ray wrote:
>> Can you prove to me that Via
>> Mat blue seal 0100601 is intact by alleging it on the internet?
>> No, not even ...
>You can prove it yourself Jim... look up the escrow agent's phone 
>number and phone him... he will tell you. 

This sounds like calling-up JP Morgan and/or Transguard in
Dubai (something at least one e-gold user has done IIRC).

>He personally inspected it. 

Fine, but when, and how can I trust him? (Remember, we're
trying to maximize expenses for minimal usefulness here, so
you're going to have to bear with me if I hold you to the same
standards as you're holding e-gold!) According to the PGP
signed document, it was inspected in 2001, it's now 2003! IF
I did choose to trust this guy, how can I know WHEN he did
his inspection? Would he know a counterfeit blue seal??

>If you like you can ask him to contact ViaMat and verify it right now.

I'm not sure what that would prove if I don't trust him, right?

Heck, how can I trust Via Mat itself (or ANY bullion bank!)?
I think it might be possible to fool ME, even if I were flown to
the various vaults! I think it might also be possible to fool a
"real" auditor from a large, reputable firm. It might be easy,
in fact!

>> I also think you discount the importance of personal reputation
>> and integrity. 
>No I don't. I have great respect for Doug, Jay and you. Remember I 
>merely said that I think Pecunix and Goldmoney are more serious about 
>doing things right. Obviously you disagree though your frustration 
>indicates this may be a sore point.

No, you've elided the frustrating part. That had to do with your
yammering about how the TOTAL failure of Arthur Andersen
(& major scandals among other US accounting houses!) don't
matter to you (um, because you'd prefer that your competition
wastes its money, it seems). You speak as it it's irrational that
I mistrust accountants now, and I'd suggest competition and
not reason motivate some of your posts. Meanwhile, I keep
not-trusting accountants, and nobody has given me a single
reason why they shouldn't _drastically-lower_ their prices (to
match their drastically-lower reputation-capital than e-gold's
wonderful SEVEN EXCELLENT YEARS of service). IOW, it's
less & less necessary to rely on all these un-trusted parties
at their current prices. This may irk you, but it's true even if 
it's not particularly "fair" to late-comer competitors, but it is
the result of a long record of personal integrity.

>> Go read the user agreement, there are independent parties
>> involved in the e-gold system, too. 
>Ok, so does e-gold currently have a trustee or not? Did the existing 
>trustee resign or not? Who is the current trustee?

Ask them! I see lots of rumors, but nothing from any actual
person, so I have my doubts about the various rumors.

>Ok, I don't have access to the e-gold customer service records, I 
>talk from personal experience only. Five Months ago I changed 
>metal-escrow to open2exchange... I have sent 3 messages (with 
>attached image) at suitably polite intervals to e-gold customer 
>service and Randy, requesting my listing on the directory be updated. 
>I think I also sent you one message... to date I have not even had 
>the courtesy of a reply (except from you) and nothing has happened. I 
>am sure I am a very minor customer in the scheme of things, but heck, 
>I am still a customer.

Running that directory isn't a profit-making operation, even
when exchangers DON'T change their names all the time.

I'm sorry for your inconvenience. I am glad you finally-got-
specific (now it's possible to DO something, rather than just
yak!!) but usually the general allegations of poor customer
service have translated, as Frank said, into an expectation
for e-gold Ltd. to take the consequences of poor computer
security/hygiene practices on a customer's part. 

>Many good suggestions have been made on this list about how it could 
>very simply be improved...

I agree, although I'd point out that suggestions' authors 
generally underestimate the difficulty of implementation
on a large, running system. (I'd include myself and my 
many suggestions in this critique!) I've never said that
e-gold is perfect, but I'm not going to sit there quietly if
you try to say it's not serious. e-gold is deadly-serious,
and has been since 1996. That's why it's Better Money.

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