>Again (becuase I am so incredible!) I know the reason IGs are failing
>to grow currently - the reason is there can be no real competition
>between multiple IG systems until there is a clearing mechanism
>between them.  The sentences from Dowd (below) exactly explain this
>in perfect prose.

JP is 1000% right on this!  (Listen to JP - he is arguably the most
successful third-party entrepreneur in the gold currency field.  He has
created and sold more companies successfully than anyone - including Sidd.)

But what is needed is a "routing protocol" that gives merchants the choice
of which clearing mechanism (autoexchange) to use.

Take XML-X and add a wrapper around it.  (Call it XML-Y)

For Person A to send 12 grams of e-gold through to person B's GoldMoney
account the XML-Y instruction might look like this


Clearing URL : http://open2exchange.com/blalbalba.asp
Amount : 12 gAu
Fees : 0.4 gAu

XML-X Instruction #1 :: 12 grams e-gold from A to Open2Exchange e-gold acct.

XML-X Instruction #2 :: 12 grams GoldMoney from O2X to B's GoldMoney acct.


Your protocol would have to include a rate URL so that the autoexchange
operators have freedom to set their rates.
By building the protocol, several exchange providers could set up
autoexchanges.   Then a merchant when setting up his shopping cart could
choose which autoexchanger to use for all his transactions, just like they
do now with credit card gateways.

The problem for this kind of thing is that currently only Pecunix and
e-Bullion have 3rd party verifiable automated transactions via PGP
signatures.  In order for this to work, the other digital currencies would
need to add PGP sigs so that the originator of the transaction (Person A)
can obtain incontrovertible proof that the transfer went all the way through
to the intended recipient.

If you design it correctly, it could be used to do autoexchange from Evocash
($) to gAu systems - provided the dollar systems offer non-reversible

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