Notice: GoldEx has been bought by PayByGold

As of today PayByGold have taken over the operation of the GoldEx
website. PayByGold brings with them much experience in the digital
currency industry, new fresh ideas and website improvements to make all
GoldEx clients' experience with GoldEx better (and easier) in the

The GoldEx website has been sold to the well established and  respected,
experienced operator of PayByGold. I am sure the new owners will provide
the same outstanding fast funding service and great customer care as has
been experienced with GoldEx over the last 2 years.

After serving the digital currency industry for almost 2 years I have
decided to leave the industry (away from long hours in front of 3
computer screens).

Business as usual will commence again  under the care of the new owners.
Please give them a warm welcome and show them the support I have been
very fortunate in receiving.

Best wishes and a happy Christmas to all! 

Thank you.



(and Marco - PayByGold: )

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