Masih ada juga orang iseng yg kayak gini. Udah gitu ntar pasti banyak orang bego yg nurutin permintaannya utk forward.

PS: karena gak ikut2an forward (cuman reply doang :D), jadi gue gak termasuk yg bego....

E-ll-Y wrote:

**yg mau forward ya silahkan....**

Hallo semua,
bantuin tememin gue dong, kesian nih lagi patah hati,
tolong forward mail ini ke cowonya ya, tuh mailnya
gue harap si bule itu balik ama dia...
Eh cewe ini salah satu penterjemah elex loh...
(ta, sorry ya posting disini,
abis dimana lagi bisa dapetin banyak orang buat bantuin lo
getting his heart again? bener kan? hehehe)




Original massage:

Dear all,

please help me to send 1,000 last messages for my Love
Brett from
all over the world.
Please forward this to all of your friends and relatives,
and while you sent it dont forget to put Brett's email
address too as one of the receiver, his email add is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (saintlouis ad usa dot com)
By this way, I hope he will get 1,000 mails about my
feeling for him.
Please don't break this chain, and please keep the title
as :
(Help-MyLoveChain) 1000 last messages for Brett
Please also delete the forward history in order to make it
as short
as the original mail.
I am sorry for those who feel disturbed by this mail.
And thank you very much for your help,
may the heaven bless you today and always...

***************** LOVE MESSAGE ******************
  Dear Brett, I love you, you know it.
But I feel that you are not the one for me,
I am sure you know the reason why I feel this way.
I feel that I dont have any longer time to be with you.
So this is my last messages to show the world how I love
I will always pray for you
as long as I live,
as long as my heart still beating,
and as long as the love still burn in my heart.
You are the best one who had filled my life with dreams,
though so sad it see them get shattered....
Hope you get what you wish in your life.
Lots of love from your silly girl,

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