Sorry ya Cuma bisa pake bahasa babe aku, tapi bener lho... cepetttt abisss


Its fully related to security. As more & more people have started using Gmail, I think this article might be useful.


To check the mail in gmail, Generally a person will go to <>  & press enter, After getting the login page Type Username & password. & U are in. I know Gmail is damn fast due to its applet interface.

That's blah blah blah & everyone knows about it.


Now here is the secret.. When u are at the login prompt, by default it gives 128 bit of SSL Security which is one of the best any free mail Service provider gives.. Here is one more research I did.. as soon as u login, & ur inbox loads this 128 bit encryption goes..& again its back to normal which is again with minimal encryption or many be no encryption no detail idea from Gmail side..


The fact is !! A network admin Or even admin at ur ISP can sniff these packets of ur session & by using decrypting methods they can easily access ur session.


They can have settings like capture of cookies..which makes damn easy for them to get the access. Hence there is no security. This is the fact that can be done incase if u use Yahoo/hotmail/rediff/indiatimes. That too it becomes very easy if ur IE is having Cipher strength of less then 128 bit.


here comes the tip... In ur IE....instead of using usual, <,/>  U can Type <> IE will pop up a security alert with notice of "want to proceed?" press "Yes"…& Wholaa u are on the same page but interms of security u are on a much more SECURED Page.


anyone noticed this "https" instead of "http" .. in simple words https mentions a secure connection which takes place by port 443 instead of usual port 80 & data which is being sent through https is very secure & encrypted & almost impossible to decrypt.


That too amazingly, GMAIL uses 128 bit SSL encryption.. now difference is that once u login on <>  After getting Inbox , chk ur mails , write mails.. anything you do on this page will be totally encrypted that too with 128 bit encryption. Which is damn difficult for any "So called Hackers" or script kiddies to break in & sniff the data.


So from now on always use - <> ( MY TIP : Bookmark this page in ur favorites )


That's it from my side.


It seems to be a very very simple tip which I tried to explained as simple as I can even though it is very complicated if it is taken in terms of security & encryption manner. I have not tired to explain them in detail coz a person who is not much into security may not understand.


Sorry if I have made any mistakes. God Bless u All.


GOOD/BAD Comments are most welcome.


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Minal Aidzin Wal Fa Idzin 
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