Dah pada ngerti belum? ini cuman salah satu hoax yang beredar lewat e-mail
  ini ada sumber dari wikipedia yang jelasin kalo itu semua bo'ong
  Progesterex    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Progesterex is a 
fictitious date rape drug. It is part of a hoax that began to circulate in 1999 
via e-mail on the internet. No actual drug by this name or even with these 
properties exists, and no such incident has ever been documented or confirmed.
  Typical contents of the e-mail hoax are as follows, although different 
versions tend to turn up over time:
  "A woman at a nightclub called _______ on Saturday night was taken by 5 men, 
who according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping 
her. Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed the 
repeat rapes along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood and Progesterex, 
essentially a small sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by rapists 
at parties to rape AND sterilize their victims. Progesterex is available to 
vets to sterilize large animals. Progesterex is being used together with 
Rohypnol, the date rape drug. As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is drop it 
into the girl's drink. The girl can't remember a thing the next morning, of all 
that had taken place the night before. Progesterex, which dissolves in drinks 
just as easily, is such that the victim doesn't conceive from the rape and the 
rapist needn't worry about having a paternity test identifying him months 
later. The drug's effects ARE NOT TEMPORARY - Progesterex was
 designed to sterilize horses. Any female who takes it WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO 
CONCEIVE.. The weasels can get this drug from anyone who is in the vet school 
or any university. It's that easy, and Progesterex is about to break out big on 
campuses everywhere. Believe it or not, there are even sites on the Internet 
telling people how to use it. Please forward this to everyone you know, 
especially girls. Be careful when you're out and don't leave your drink 
unattended. Please make the effort to forward this on to all you know... Guys, 
please inform all your female friends and relatives."
  A version of this hoax has also recently made the rounds via bulletins on 
MySpace.com (July 2006). It made it to Bebo in September-October 2006.
  Furthermore, no sterilization pill for horses exists. Sterilization is done 
via gelding of stallions. Mares are usually left unaltered.
  In addition to this vet students do not have access to drugs. Drugs can only 
be prescribed by a qualified, registered veterinarian (Member of the Royal 
Collage of Veterinary Surgeons - MRCVS - in UK).
  On 18 April 2006 UK Member of Parliament Lynne Featherstone submitted a 
Written Question to the Home Secretary on whether the Home Office had 
calculated the number of date rape incidences that had been connected with 
Progesterex. Home Office Minister Paul Goggins replied that the drug did not 

  trus ada lagi di http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/blprogesterex.htm
vera simbolon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            > KEDUA :
> Saya mendapat informasi penting dari seorang
> kawan. Please soon forward
> this such news ya!! S...here's the issue as follows: 
> Telah beredar sebuah obat baru yang
> bernama "Progesterex" (you may check
> the internet for the availability) . Obat ini
> adalah pil
> kecil yang> digunakan untuk mensterilisasi. Obat ini sekarang 
> dipakai oleh para
> pemerkosa pada perayaan pesta, Pub, Discotique
> untuk memperkosa dan
> mensterilisasi korbannya.
> Progesterex pada dasarnya dijual pada beberapa
> dokter hewan dan toko 
> binatang, dan digunakan untuk mensterilkan hewan
> besar. Obat biasanya
> digunakan bersamaan dengan Rohypnol (Roofies)
> semacam obat bius
> pembeliannya harus menggunakan resep dokter
> (tahu sendiri dinegara yg
> tercinta" Indonesia, you have money you can buy
> almost everything).
> Rohypnol ini semacam effervescent tablet yang
> cepat larut didalam air.
> Pelaku hanya tinggal memasukan Rohypnol dan
> Progesterex kedalam minuman 
> mereka berdua dan Korban tidak akan pernah ingat
> apa yang telah terjadi
> ada malam/siang/ sore itu dan Progesterex akan
> membuat si wanita TIDAK AKAN
> HAMIL sehingga si pemerkosa akan tetap bebas 
> berkeliaran without worry
> about having apaternity test indentifying him
> beberapa bulan kemudian.
> Tetapi yang perlu diperhatikan, EFFECT
> SEMENTARA.Progester ex dibuat untuk
> mensterilkan kuda,jerapah dan binatang
> besar lainnya. Setiap wanita yang telah
> meminumnya TIDAK AKAN PERNAH
> BERHATI-HATILAH bila pergi ke PUB 
> atau CAFE atau dimanapun anda berada
> dan jangan menerima minum dari sembarang pria
> yang tidak anda kenal dengan
> baik.
> Believe it or not, there is even a site on the
> internet
> for the drug,
> telling people how to use it. Please, Forward Email 
> ini kepada setiap
> wanita yang kalian kenal, especially to young and
> naive girls.
> nb:
> keep yourself aware. There's too much nonsenses
> in this ugly world. Hold
> your conviction closer and don't be afraid to be a
> different kind of
> person. Keep positive

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