  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: shanty pd 
  Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 3:37 PM
  Subject: e-ketawa :-) Spam: Fw:Fw: How good is your Math......

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        Siapa berani terima tantangan.

        Challenge :

        There's a bus with 7 girls

        Each girl carries 7 bags

        Each bag carries 7 big cats

        Each big cat carries 7 smaller cats

        (All the cats have 4 legs )

        Question : how many legs are on the bus ?

        The answer is the password to open the attached file.

        Once you are in, you can put your name on the list and forward it on.

        Kalau dah bisa buka silahkan add nama kamu di list name.........



        Good luck



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