Underwriting itu nulisnya dibawah meja. Gitu kali, yak ???
(Whalah !!! Nanya kok di e-ktw)
  -----Original Message-----
  From: e-ketawa@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Of Seruni Maya

  Subject: Re: e-ketawa :-) Tanya Job desc

  oohhh,,,ternyata itu kerjaan lu mal,,,

  dr kemaren tiap elu posting ko ada bau2 apa getu,,,
  *beli masker n tabung oksigen*

  2008/1/24, Akmal - Gmail < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

    Gue tau ..gue tau ..

    Pokoknya yg ber-bau underwear gitu deh ..

    Kayak ciumin bau cd bekas pakai seminggu gitu deh ..

    Hoek..cuih ..

    Cd siape nih .. bau banget ..


    From: e-ketawa@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Siti Khasanah
    Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 9:03 AM
    To: e-ketawa@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: e-ketawa :-) Tanya Job desc

    Allow semuanya.. Numpang Tanya dooong..

    Ada yg kerja di bagian Underwriting gakk..??? Mau tau dooong, Job
desc-nya apaan aja yah..???

    Thanks.. JJ


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