On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 5:05 AM, Tom Schindl <tom.schi...@bestsolution.at>wrote:

> The Addon-Element is generally a problem in this sense. What about the
> following.
> a) The addons are contributed through a ModelProcessor
> b) The model processor checks if there is a tag for the addon in the
>   MApplication-Element e.g.:
>   addon:org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.swt:DnDAddon
>   addon:org.eclipse.e4.core.commands:CommandServiceAddon
>   ...
>   and only then contributes this addon.
> This way the one defines the Addon-Handler-Class is also the one who
> contributes the 
> addon-element.<https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/e4-dev>

The problem with extension points is they are read in an arbitrary order.
Control of the ordering of this kind of thing has been a complaint on the
RCP and/or Product side for a long time.  If they go in the model, then
document order controls them.

But you're right, I traded "e4.core.commands defined them and added them"
for "you have to add these to your model, in the correct order".  I'm open
to suggestions or discussion on this.

As an aside, this is part of the work that will get rid of the

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR
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