Renaming can definitely be done after the move. I was a bit slow to follow 
up here because I was trying to find out what process we need to follow 
here. I was hoping it would not be necessary but It turns out we will need 
a CQ for this code. Here is what to do:

 - Take the current contents of the master branch in your github 
 - Remove all third party libraries
 - Zip up the remaining source code and submit a CQ, or send me the zip 
file and I can do it for you.

Given the limited history and the fact that most of it comes from an 
existing Eclipse project I am hopeful we can get that sorted out quickly.


From:   DAUSSY Arthur <>
To:     E4 Project developer mailing list <>, 
Cc:     "Discussions about scripting Eclipse." 
Date:   10/02/2013 10:05 AM
Subject:        Re: [e4-dev] eScriptMonkey naming
Sent by:

Hi Paul,
I thought that I had to rename the namespace before moving to E4 but if I 
don’t, I’m starting to migrate to E4 this afternoon. (Except Python 
However I would like to know if it was possible to have (somewhere into 
the eclipse Bugzilla)  a place where I can add tickets. Maybe a E4 
component or something like that. This would help me to keep track of what 
I’m doing and what I have to do.
Arthur Daussy
+33 5 34 36 32 90

De : [] De la 
part de Paul Webster
Envoyé : mercredi 2 octobre 2013 14:48
À : E4 Project developer mailing list
Cc : Discussions about scripting Eclipse.
Objet : Re: [e4-dev] eScriptMonkey naming
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:11 AM, DAUSSY Arthur <> 
Hi All,

 Time has come..
 Using the vote previously published you have decided that the new Eclipse 
Scripting Component would be named "EASE" standing for Eclipse Advanced 
Scripting Environment.
 Renaming the source is the first step, then we will migrate the source 
into E4 repository. (Do you know if the repository is already available?)
The E4 repo is ready for you guys:
org.eclipse.ease.* sounds like as good a namespace as any.
If you have clearance to bring the source over, why not push it over in a 
working state and then do the rename in the E4 repo so we have a record if 
things go wrong?

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR 

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