Eric Moffatt  and I are planning a number of E4 model changes for next 
week (M4). Our initial cut is below:

* Change MCompositePart to extend MGenericTile<MPartSashContainerElement> 
rather than MPartSashContainer. (This is so that MCompositePart will 
extend only one concrete type, namely MPart. In implementing split 
editors/views, Eric found that the MPart/MPartSashContainer ambiguity 
caused some problems.)
* Deprecate MInputPart and MInput.
     * Question: Is there need for an 'inputSpec' attribute on MPart? (A 
replacement for MInput's inputURI attribute.)
* Create MWizard and MDialog classes (that extend MWindow), and add 
corresponding collection attributes on MApplication
     * Question
          * Is there need for new attributes on these classes?
          * Is there need for MWizardPage, too? (It seems to me that 
MWizard's 'children' being mapped to the wizard's pages is sufficient.)

Feedback is appreciated. In an effort to keep this discussion grounded, 
please support any suggested additions/changes with some form of code 
example that demonstrates why the change is necessary.


Paul Elder
Eclipse UI Team @ IBM
e4-dev mailing list

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