Unfortunatelly I have lost my copy of the score, and I am travelling now, so no 
musical libraries around. But as far as I am remember, and what comes out of 
the Polish text, the answer to your question would be "NO". You have to play 
with D a little sharp throughout. This is the most demanding part, I suppose. 
Do not spoil your hearing!


Dnia 2-07-2006 o godz. 22:27 Rob MacKillop napisa³(a):
> Intersting, Krzysztof! I always thought lute and guitar players were the
> lowest of the I know it is true!
> I haven't been given the score yet, and probably won't be before the 
> first
> rehearsal in late August, but it sounds like it is going to be fun. 
> So, should I tune the D string a little sharp, and retune it properly 
> during
> the song?
> Rob 
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