On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 10:30:30AM -0600, Jack Perdue wrote:
> On 02/11/2015 10:09 AM, Cook, Malcolm wrote:
> >Hi Fotis & Stuart,
> >....
> >>>What do people do/recommend for multiple OS environments?  We are
> >  >> currently CentOS 6 but will eventually move to C7.  I'm thinking I
> >  >> will want a separate application tree for each OS (/projects/app-c6
> >  >> and /projects/app-c7).
> >  >>
> >  >> How do people deal with software with frequent updates (java) or
> >  >> security issues?  Do you rebuild and remove old packages?
> >  >
> >  >You may be able to handle both of the above needs,
> >  >by using the concept of buildsets, mentioned in p. over here:
> >  
> > >https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/hpc_devroom_hpcbios/attachments/slides/491/export/events/attachments/hpc_
> >  >devroom_hpcbios/slides/491/FOSDEM14_HPC_devroom_09_HPC_BIOS.pdf
> >  >
> >  >In principle, the idea is that you create self-contained directory areas
> >  >with complete build trees, including modules, at a given point in time.
> >  >I've calling them /opt/apps/HPCBIOS.YYYYMMDD but any kind of tag will 
> > just do.
> >  >
> >  >Then you might create symlinks like:
> >  >  /opt/apps/sandybridge -> /opt/apps/*.YYYYMMDD
> >  >
> >  >I used a dubious example name above but you get the idea.
> >
> >Fotis, I note your example name, "sandybridge",  apparently encoded an intel 
> >processor microarchitecture, NOT the name of a linux distribution (such as 
> >c6 or c7 for releases of centOS, as proposed).   I'm trying  to understand 
> >the implications of possibly needing to support a heterogeneous environment 
> >having multiple CentOS versions (6.5 and 7.x) on multiple core types 
> >(sandybridge) and would appreciate any more clarity here.   Are you possibly 
> >suggesting that buildsets for each combination of microprocessor and OS 
> >version might be appropriate
> >(provoking visions of /opt/apps/{sandybridge,Nehalem}/centOS{6,7}/YYYYMMDD )
> >
> >??
> We certainly have need for such a thing.  Our cluster is mostly Ivy Bridge
> (with AVX2 support), including the login nodes where I do most my builds.
> However, we have some systems (1-2TB) with older chipsets that don't
> have AVX.  So anything built with optarch=True (i.e. -xHost) on the login
> nodes won't work on the big mem nodes.
> I could do the build on the big mem (older chipset) nodes but then won't
> get the benefit of AVX on the newer nodes.  So somehow providing a way
> to distinguish based on the chip set would be kind of nice.

You can do this with modules, could have a look at how Lmod does this.

> ($.02)
> jack

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