Sorry, the subject line was wrong ...

Andreas Hilboll writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to create an easyconfig for jupyterhub 0.7.  I copied the
> existing 0.6.1 easyconfig and bumped the version number, so it now reads
>    easyblock = 'Bundle'
>    name = 'jupyterhub'
>    version = '0.7.0'
>    versionsuffix = '-Python-%(pyver)s'
>    homepage = ''
>    description = """JupyterHub is a multiuser version of the Jupyter 
> (IPython) notebook designed for
>     centralized deployments in companies, university classrooms and research 
> labs."""
>    toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2016a'}
>    dependencies = [
>        ('Python', '3.5.1'),
>        ('IPython', '5.1.0', versionsuffix),
>        ('configurable-http-proxy', '1.3.0', '-nodejs-4.4.7'),
>    ]
>    # this is a bundle of Python packages
>    exts_defaultclass = 'PythonPackage'
>    exts_list = [
>        ('SQLAlchemy', '1.0.13', {
>            'source_urls': 
> [''],
>        }),
>        ('requests', '2.10.0', {
>            'source_urls': 
> [''],
>        }),
>        ('pamela', '0.2.1', {
>            'source_urls': 
> [''],
>        }),
>        ('jupyterhub', version, {
>            'source_urls': 
> [''],
>        }),
>    ]
>    modextrapaths = {'PYTHONPATH': ['lib/python%(pyshortver)s/site-packages']}
>    sanity_check_paths = {
>        'files': ['bin/jupyterhub'],
>        'dirs': ['lib/python%(pyshortver)s/site-packages/jupyterhub'],
>    }
>    sanity_check_commands = ['jupyterhub --help']
>    moduleclass = 'tools'
> However, I get the error
>    == 2016-12-27 19:07:51,707 ERROR EasyBuild crashed with 
> an error (at ?:124 in __init__): cmd " 
> /home/eb/software/Python/3.5.1-intel-2016a/bin/python install 
> --prefix=/home/eb/software/jupyterhub/0.7.0-intel-2016a-Python-3.5.1 " exited 
> with exitcode 1 and output:
>    running install
>    running bdist_egg
>    Aborting implicit building of eggs. Use `pip install .` to install from 
> source.
>     (at easybuild/tools/ in parse_cmd_output)
>    == 2016-12-27 19:07:51,707 WARNING build failed (first 
> 300 chars): cmd " /home/eb/software/Python/3.5.1-intel-2016a/bin/python 
> install 
> --prefix=/home/eb/software/jupyterhub/0.7.0-intel-2016a-Python-3.5.1 " exited 
> with exitcode 1 and output:
>    running install
>    running bdist_egg
>    Aborting implicit building of eggs. Use `pip install .` to install from 
> source.
> Any idea how I can build this extension with EasyBuild?  The dirty way
> might be to do a postinstallcmd using pip, but that would not be nice
> ...
> Cheers,
>   Andreas.

Dr. Andreas Hilboll

Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)
                    - AND -
    Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)

University of Bremen

NW1 / S3132
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
D-28359 Bremen

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