On 03/08/2017 01:08 PM, Vanzo, Davide wrote:
Once you have GCCcore built, at this point you will use it to compile again M4/Bison/flex/zlib/binutils within the GCCcore toolchain so that whatever is built with GCC is completely independent from the underlying OS software stack.

Which is still not entirely clear if always wanted. I might actually prefer to
use the upstream vendor's version of those libraries.

The current code is:

class IccIfort(IntelIccIfort):
    """Compiler toolchain with Intel compilers (icc/ifort)."""
    NAME = 'iccifort'
# use GCCcore as subtoolchain rather than GCC, since two 'real' compiler-only toolchains don't mix well,
    # in particular in a hierarchical module naming scheme

Personally, using a flat MNS I'd be happy if SUBTOOLCHAIN
name could be set to GCC instead of GCCcore when not using
hierarchies   But at present, if I want to share GCC(core) modules
between intel/iomkl/foss,  I have to build with GCCcore (and add
binutils where needed).


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