Hi Everyone

Thanks for all your comments, I think all of these ideas are great and I am 
hoping to get some exchange of ideas in order to find a way to generate test 
that require build from source.

I have released an update on my work. Please see 

One thing I have nailed down is the ability to test binary commands. Simple 
test like gcc –version and any possible command can be done through a template 
script. I am trying to use a mixture of template scripts to autogenerate test 
scripts along with sed to modify module, version tag so that test can be module 
and version agnostic. As per Ken’s request, I have added check to see if module 
exist prior to generating a test. It is almost working with the exception of 
CUDA specific toolchains. Another feature I tried to implement is the use of 
CC, CXX, FC flags to properly find the compiler. Right now this is done through 
file extensions and a mixture of setup.sh script that can source the proper 
values. For Intel, CUDA, GCC the values for CC, FC, CXX would be different. 
This holds true for MPI wrappers. For MPI tests, I have a mpi template script 
that covers some generic mpi test.

There are some test that fall outside the scope of templates. For those I have 
a custom template for instance Python and Java.

It is difficult to create a universal template for each application because the 
compilation can vary as well as the execute step.

Please feel free to share more ideas, I hope this gains traction into something 


From: xavier.besse...@gmail.com [mailto:xavier.besse...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
Xavier Besseron
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 6:57 PM
To: easybuild@lists.ugent.be; Siddiqui, Shahzeb
Subject: Re: [easybuild] HPC Testing Framework Collaboration

Hi Shahzeb,

This looks like an interesting contribution. I have a few comments for you 

- I agree with the comments of Kenneth, especially when he says you need to 
"have some way of defining both version-agnostic and version-specific tests". I 
would extend the constraint to the module name as well. In the sense, you 
should find a way to have some tests applying to different modules. For 
example, for OpenMPI, MPICH, MVAPICH, most of the tests would be the same. I 
guess it applies to BLAS too.

So, I would say that for each test, you need a way to describe to which modules 
and versions it applies.
One idea for that could be use test labels (cf CTest documentation). For 
add_test(NAME MPI-hello_c COMMAND sh hello_c.sh )
set_tests_properties(MPI-hello_c PROPERTIES LABELS mpi ) # this should work 
with any MPI

add_test(NAME OpenMPI-ompi_info COMMAND sh ompi_info.sh )
set_tests_properties(OpenMPI-ompi_info PROPERTIES LABELS openmpi ) # applies to 
OpenMPI, any version

add_test(NAME OpenMPI-2.0.1-featureXXX COMMAND sh test_feature_XXXX.sh )
set_tests_properties(OpenMPI-2.0.1-featureXXX PROPERTIES LABELS openmpi-2.0.1 ) 
# applies to OpenMPI version 2.0.1 only

Then, you can use option -L of CTest to select only a subset of tests. For 

ctest -L '^(mpi|openmpi|openmpi-2.0.1)$' # to test OpenMPI/2.0.1
ctest -L '^(mpi|openmpi|openmpi-2.0.0)$' # to test OpenMPI/2.0.0
ctest -L '^(mpi|mpich|mpich-3.2)$'       # to test MPICH/3.2

This would also mean you need to reorganize the tests in your repository to 
replace the module name/version directory hierarchy by a kind of categorization.

- About the compilation of the tests:
I believe the compilation should be a test itself. Being able to run 
successfully mpicc hello.c -o hello_c is a good starting point to test an MPI.
Be aware that with CTest, you can also specify dependencies between tests and 
required files:
- DEPENDS: a test should run after another, eg make sure you run hello_c after 
compiling it
- REQUIRED_FILES: a test should run only if a file exists, eg make sure you run 
hello_c only if it has been created

- One thing that is missing so far is the possibility to run tests on two 
physical nodes. Most of the MPI errors/misconfigurations I got happened when 
trying to start 2 MPI processes on 2 different nodes. This probably means that 
you have to run the tests as a job submitted to the cluster and pass the list 
of nodes to run on.
This was actually my main motivation when I setup 

- If you have trouble installing CDash, maybe you can get started with 
 to get an overview of it (free for 10 submissions per day). Then it's very 
easy to switch to your self-hosted instance once you got it working.



On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Siddiqui, Shahzeb 
<shahzeb.siddi...@pfizer.com<mailto:shahzeb.siddi...@pfizer.com>> wrote:
Hi Fotis,

I was trying to get CDash working but I had a pain getting all the dependencies 
working. PHP version on RHEL7 was not satisfying minimum req. I am looking to 
see if docker can work in resolving this. To my understanding CDash would be 
configured by the user and it needs apache and mysql or postgres. This would be 
a pain getting all of these setup which is outside the scope of this project. 
Hopefully docker would alleviate this pain.


-----Original Message-----
From: easybuild-requ...@lists.ugent.be<mailto:easybuild-requ...@lists.ugent.be> 
 On Behalf Of Fotis Georgatos
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 12:06 AM
To: easybuild@lists.ugent.be<mailto:easybuild@lists.ugent.be>
Subject: Re: [easybuild] HPC Testing Framework Collaboration
Hi Shanzeb,

just 2 comments:
* I'd love to see the ctest/cdash type of testing take off;
  here's an example from our past endeavours: 
* this one caught my attention recently; it might work in favour of literate 
testing (and, indirectly, useful documentation):

HPL against popular toolchain variants would make a good first focus of such 
effort, wouldn't it?!


On Mar 7, 2017, at 4:31 PM, Siddiqui, Shahzeb 
<shahzeb.siddi...@pfizer.com<mailto:shahzeb.siddi...@pfizer.com>> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been working on creating a testing framework to automatically generate 
> test cases for applications that work with EasyBuild in a HMNS module layout. 
> I couldn't seem to find any tool that provides test cases for HPC apps that 
> work properly with a module environment so I decided to create me own.
> I have pushed some test cases for intel, gcc, openmpi, mpich as
> examples. If anyone is interested in developing a testing framework, check 
> out  
> https://github.com/shahzebsiddiqui/testgen-HPC<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_shahzebsiddiqui_testgen-2DHPC&d=DwMFaQ&c=UE1eNsedaKncO0Yl_u8bfw&r=RMJdCm7m5fiPWhajwKUnEW5yn4eK2YdUWW-MLVShghg&m=OQx2kMGTUsPmn3M3iRuS5Fo1UPuE6XBw9YQ55YI4jfI&s=_q4FI7qRdE06QL9aM-D_OwU0-XBfh8IEMYAGuvjdi8g&e=>
>  and maybe we can collaborate on a standard for basic test cases for each 
> application.
> Regards,
> Shahzeb Siddiqui
> HPC Linux Engineer
> B2220-447.2
> Groton, CT


echo "sysadmin know better bash than english" | sed s/min/mins/ \
  | sed 's/better bash/bash better/' # signal detected in a CERN forum

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