
I want to include nbdime [1] in an easyconfig as an extension.  nbdime
wants to be installed with `pip install .`.  So I add `'use_pip': True`
to the extension dict.

However, there is no pip installed on the machines where I run the eb
jobs, and the OS (EL7) only provides pip 7.1, which is too old for
nbdime, which wants pip>=8.

Is there any way I can add a recent pip to the EasyBuild module itself,
so that pip is always and everywhere available for eb?  The existing pip
easyconfigs all depend on a toolchain, and when I just try loading the
pip module together with EasyBuild, eb complains that there are
unallowed modules loaded.


[1] https://nbdime.readthedocs.io/

Dr. Andreas Hilboll

Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)
                    - AND -
    Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)

University of Bremen

NW1 / S3132
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
D-28359 Bremen

+49(0)421 218 62133  (phone)
+49(0)421 218 98 62133 (fax)

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