Dear all,

The newest version of the matplotlib easybuild sets the MPLBACKEND environment 
variable to Agg.  This causes our users to complain that they can no longer 
plot interactively.

I seem to remember that this was done because not setting it caused test 
scripts to try to open X11 windows, which is clearly not a good thing.  But 
would it not be a better solution to have the test scripts set the backend they 
expect?  In particular since setting MPLBACKEND can be done before the module 
is loaded, but unsetting can only be done after it is loaded, so all scripts 
importing the module will have to be modified.

Setting MPLBACKEND in interactive scripts may not be a good idea, since on 
Linux you want TkAgg but on macOS you want MacOSX.

Best regards


Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

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