> After using easybuild for several years our single largest issue is
> incompatible libraries used by packages in the same toolchain.  We have
> educated our users to always use modules and to use modules that are in the
> same toolchain. Workflows can be very complex and users typically load many
> modules for jobs.  Incomparable libraries can easily break scripts.

Using rpath should help alleviate issues (though going all the way to
removing all LD_LIBRARY_PATHs you are looking into much more intrusive
changes) if you want to mix toolchains.
There is also an recursive module unloading, which would prevents you from
doing some "bad" things with the modules as a user (I have had some bad
experiences with this feature though)

> I feel that the libraries for each toolchain should be set it stone.
> There should be some easy way to curate the set of libraries.

But they are (nowdays)? New modules should stick to the set of libraries
currently in the toolchain unless there is a very good reason. Pull
requests are automatically checked for duplicates (since a year or so back
I think?).

Best regards, Mikael


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