Ooops... just noticed you said _191/2 not _181.

In that case, you might try:

  eb --try-software-version=1.8.0_192 (wherever)/Java/Java-1.8.0_181.eb

to bump the version.


On 10/29/18 1:22 PM, Jack Perdue wrote:
Howdy Joachim,

The file you need is jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz
You should be able to find in archive/oldversions link
at Oracle site.  Put that in your normal EB j/Java

EB uses .modulerc to do "magic" behind the scenes
to change the subversions for Java non underscored
versions now.

Wasn't the method I suggested and I don't much care
for the .modulerc magic but at least it is a step in
some direction to address the problem (keeping
Java version numbers upgradeable).

I recall getting errors indicating problems with the new
setup but it seemed to have done most of the what
it needed to.


Jack Perdue
Lead Systems Administrator
High Performance Research Computing
TAMU Division of Research
HPRC Helpdesk:

On 10/29/18 8:20 AM, Joachim Hein wrote:

I tried to search for documentation regarding the new Java handling.  All I found is <>, which doesn’t quite tell me how I should do this.

This is the first time I want to install software using the new Java 1.8 module wrapper.   As supplied with EB 3.7.1, it want’s to build Java /1.8.0_181, with the tar ball no longer available a the oracle website.  I can currently get 8u191 and 8u192.  How is that now supposed to work in a “future” proof way.

If I create a java 1.8 in my local directory, pointing to 8u192, it will overrule any future updates (incl bug fixes) to Java 1.8 that come with future EB releases.  (I got burned by old develop version overruling fixed version inside EB in the past).

Any pointers/ideas on how this should be done?  -thanks-

Best wishes

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