Dear Inge,

Support for continuing an interrupted build has been requested before, but it's a hard feature to get right in general.

It also causes some (obvious, I guess) concern w.r.t. the reproducibility of the installation: if the compilation fails at some point, you fix the issue by intervening manually, and then use (the currently non-existing) "eb --continue", then you will run into the same issue the next time you do this installation (unless you're very careful and adapt the easyconfig file according to the manual intervention you did).

I'm not saying a feature like this would be useless though, we should definitely try and find some time to finish up Miguel's work, but it should come with a clear warning (and it's never going to be perfect, as Miguel already mentioned).



On 25/04/2019 02:36, Miguel Costa wrote:
Dear Inge,

if it's a one time thing one would simply add a patch to change the makefile and rebuild from scratch, but a while back I tried to address the issue of my users using easybuild to build while developing, in which case the penalty for rebuilding from scratch is even higher.

If you're interested, see In many cases it's much simpler to use the environment from --dump-env-script, but for instance when the easyblock does a lot of stuff, something like this --continue would be useful.

My two (sing)cents,


On Wed, 24 Apr 2019, 20:55 Inge Gutheil, < <>> wrote:

    I have a problem that I think is not so exotic that there is no solution
    for it, so maybe someone can help me. During build of MUMPS-5.1.2 with
    intel compilers 2019.3.199 I get the following error:
    mpiifort -O2 -xMIC-AVX512 -ftz -fp-speculation=safe -fp-model source
    -fopenmp -fPIC -mt_mpi -Dintel_ -DALLOW_NON_INIT -nofor-main
    -Dpord -Dptscotch -Dparmetis -I. -I../include -c zsol_aux.F -o

    zsol_aux.F(630): catastrophic error: **Internal compiler error: internal
    abort** Please report this error along with the circumstances in which
    it occurred in a Software Problem Report.  Note: File and line given may
    not be explicit cause of this error.
    compilation aborted for zsol_aux.F (code 1)
    make[3]: *** [zsol_aux.o] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory

    I can compile that routine if I omit -xMIC-AVX512, so during
    installation without easybuild I would do so and continue make. With
    easybuild I found that easybuild started from the beginning and thus the
    already compiled parts were lost. Is there a way to restart with
    everything that is already there in
    dev/shm/mathprod/MUMPS/5.1.2/intel-2019a/MUMPS_5.1.2/src ?

    Inge Gutheil

    Inge Gutheil
    Juelich Supercomputing Centre
    Institute for Advanced Simulation
    Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
    52425 Juelich, Germany

           Phone:   +49-2461-61-3135
           Fax:     +49-2461-61-6656 <>

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