Dear EasyBuilders,

It's my great pleasure to announce the release of EasyBuild version 3.9.1 [1].

Please be careful when observing this release. Do not look directly at it, or at least wear sunglasses, since this is the shiniest release so far.
It's so shiny that Cray & HPE... never mind.

EasyBuild v3.9.1 is a bugfix/update release, but also includes a couple of minor enhancements.

Two long-standing minor issues finally got fixed in this release:

* correctly resolve template values used in easyconfig parameters for extensions

* automatically add top-level directories of hierarchical module naming scheme (e.g. Core/) to $MODULEPATH before loading dependencies

Other highlights include:

* fixed order in which dependencies specified via multi_deps are loaded compared to regular (build) dependencies

* append to existing .modulerc file rather than overwriting it (if --force is used), mostly relevant for Java/1.8 and Java/11 wrappers

* include information on compatible modules/dependencies that were specified via 'multi_deps' in generated module file

  * ensure compatibility with Lmod 8.x

  * support for "eb --missing-modules"

  * support for fixing the shebang line in Python and Perl scripts
    (via 'fix_python_shebang_for' and 'fix_perl_shebang_for' resp.)

  * one new generic easyblock: CMakeMakeCp

  * 3 new software-specific easyblocks for Blender, Lua, and OpenBLAS

* update Intel MPI easyblock to rebuild internal libfabric (by default) for version 2019.x & more recent

* update binutils easyblock to only embed zlib if it is listed a _build_ dependency

* minor enhancements/fixes for the Bundle, PythonPackage and PythonBundle generic easyblocks

* updates, enhancements and fixes for several software-specific easyblocks incl. those for CGAL, CHARMM, Clang, GROMACS, impi, Perl, QuantumESPRESSO, SAS, TensorFlow, VMD, ...

* easyconfigs for various new toolchain versions, incl. fosscuda/2019a, gimkl/2018b, gomkl/2018b, gomkl/2019a, intelcuda/2019a

* support for 52 new software packages, incl. several AMD math libraries, charmm, JiTCODE, LUSCUS, memory-profiler, metaWRAP, pyFFTW, scikit-multilearn, simpy, SMARTdenovo, VirtualGL, WebKitGTK+, YAPS, ...

* various updates for already supported software, incl. Clang 8.0, dask 1.1.4, GCC 9.1.0, GROMACS 2019.2, Mesa 19.0.1, numba 0.43.1, PETSc 3.11.1, PyTorch 1.0.1, Qt5 5.12.3, QuantumESPRESSO 6.4.1, R 3.5.1 (w/ intel/2018b), RNAIndel 1.0.0, SLEPc 3.11.0, VTK 8.2.0, wrf-python 1.3.1, wxPython 4.0.4, wxWidgets 3.0.4, ...

* make zlib a real dependency rather than only a build dependency in recent binutils easyconfigs, to avoid embedding zlib in binutils' (>= 2.28)

  * fixed checksums for nlme extension in R easyconfigs

* make sure hdf5r extension picks up HDF5 dependency in R 3.5.1 easyconfigs

  * disable AVX512 DGEMM kernels in OpenBLAS 0.3.5 easyconfigs

  * fix source URLS in recent libcerf easyconfigs

  * use CMake built with GCCcore toolchain when installing Eigen 3.3.4+

  * use custom easyblock for OpenBLAS in OpenBLAS 0.3.x easyconfigs

  * various additional bug fixes, updates & enhancements

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 1,763!
An up-to-date list of supported software is available at [2].

A detailed overview of all changes is available in the release notes [3].

These changes result from a whole bunch of merged contributions, by 18 different contributors:

- 29 merged pull requests for EasyBuild framework
- 39 merged pull requests for easyblocks
- 268 merged pull requests for easyconfigs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v3.9.1, there are several options [4].
Two particularly easy options include:

    * eb --install-latest-eb-release

    * eb --from-pr 8350               # use easyconfig from PR #8350 [5]



Kenneth (a.k.a. boegel)
EasyBuild release manager


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