Howdy Loris,

Attached is what I came up with for Dakota.
As you can tell, I struggled with LAPACK and BLAS
as well but I managed to wrangle a build.

Not quite up to EB standards for EasyConfigs so
I hadn't sent upstream yet.   But maybe you can
improve upon it.

Jack Perdue
Lead Systems Administrator
High Performance Research Computing
TAMU Division of Research
HPRC Helpdesk:

On 6/6/19 9:20 AM, Loris Bennett wrote:

I've written the following Easyconfig for Dakota:

   homepage = ''
   description = """"A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for
   Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty
   Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis."""

   toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2018b'}
   toolchainopts = {'usempi': True, 'openmp': True}

   source_urls = 
   sources = ['%(namelower)s-%(version)s-release-public.src.tar.gz']
   checksums = ['1691a5272a5d2f7ae817c27e66adf9d0']

   builddependencies = [
       ('CMake', '3.12.1'),
       ('pkg-config', '0.29.2'),
       ('Boost', '1.67.0'),
       ('GSL', '2.5'),

   dependencies = [
       ('Python', '3.6.6'),
       ('Perl', '5.28.0'),

   separate_build_dir = True


   sanity_check_paths = {
       'files': ['bin/dakota'],
       'dirs': ['bin', 'share'],

   modextrapaths = {'PYTHONPATH': 'share/%(namelower)s/Python'}

   moduleclass = 'math'

But I am getting the error:

   CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:298 (find_package):
     Could not find a package configuration file provided by "LAPACK" with any
     of the following names:


     Add the installation prefix of "LAPACK" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
     "LAPACK_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If "LAPACK"
     provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been

What am I doing wrong?



# Authors:: Jack Perdue <> - TAMU HPRC -

easyblock = 'CMakeMake'

name = 'Dakota'
version = '6.9'
pysuffix = '-Python-%(pyver)s'
versionsuffix = pysuffix

homepage = ''

description = """
 Dakota software's advanced parametric analyses enable design exploration,
 model calibration, risk analysis, and quantification of margins and
 uncertainty with computational models.

toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2018b'}
toolchainopts = {'openmp': True}

source_urls = 
sources = ['%(namelower)s-%(version)s-release-public.src.tar.gz']
# checksums = ['07c20e14cd7674785a737fa801f486e8'] # from the web site
checksums = ['989b689278964b96496e3058b8ef5c2724d74bcd232f898fe450c51eba7fe0c2']

builddependencies = [
    ('CMake', '3.12.1'),

dependencies = [
    ('Boost', '1.68.0', pysuffix),
    ('GSL', '2.5'),
    ('HDF5', '1.10.2'),
    ('Perl', '5.28.0'),
    ('Python', '2.7.15'),
    #  Trilinos(optional),  # 3 hour build
    ('X11', '20180604'),

separate_build_dir = True

# haven't figured out how to best do OpenBLAS for LAPACK yet
configopts = """\

prebuildopts = """
    for x in `find . -name link.txt` ; do
        sed -e "s,-L$EBROOTOPENBLAS/lib,-L$EBROOTOPENBLAS/lib -lopenblas," 
-i.eb $x
    sed -e 's/#include <cfloat>/#include <cmath>/'  -i.eb\

parallel = 1

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/dakota', 'include/DakotaLeastSq.hpp', 
    'dirs': ['share/dakota/Bash'],

moduleclass = 'math'

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