Dear Valentin,

I wasn't trying to run the install step either and left the bits you
commented out commented out.

The problem seems to be that 

  preinstallopts = 'cd build && '

leads to 

  cd build &&  make install

which fails.  I thus modified skipsteps to additionally ignore the
install step thus

  skipsteps = ['configure', 'install']

so that EasyBuild finished without an error and created the module file.
I then ran

  eb Singularity-3.4.0-Go-1.12.eb --robot --force --disable-cleanup-builddir

switched to root, changed to the 'build' directory and

  make install

and then ran the commented out chowns and chmods.

After that as a regular user I was able to download, start singularity
image and run an 'exec' on it.

Thanks for the help!



Valentin Plugaru <> writes:

> Dear Loris,
> We're not running the install step as privileged with sudo from within 
> EasyBuild.
> That's why in the .eb file there were comments for the 'next steps after 
> installation' that are (a reminder and) taken care of outside of the EB 
> workflow.
> It may be possible to allow the sudo commands from within EB depending on 
> your site configuration/policies (e.g. dedicated software build user 
> registered for restricted sudo commands, etc.).
> Kind regards,
> Valentin
> On 2019-09-12 13:16, Loris Bennett wrote:
>  Hi Valentin,
> Thanks for the EasyConfig.  I have modified it for 3.4.0, which was
> mainly just adding 'cryptsetup' to 'osdependencies' (see attachment).
> However, I am getting the error:
>   == 2019-09-12 11:20:26,246 ERROR EasyBuild crashed with an 
> error (at 
> easybuild/software/EasyBuild/3.9.4/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vsc_base-2.8.4-py2.7.egg/vsc/utils/
>  in __init__): cmd "cd build &&  make install " exited with exit code 2 and 
> output:
> /trinity/shared/easybuild/software/Singularity/3.4.0-Go-1.12/bin/singularity
>    [snip (11 lines)]
> /trinity/shared/easybuild/software/Singularity/3.4.0-Go-1.12/etc/singularity/cgroups/cgroups.toml
>   SUID binary requires to execute make install as root, use sudo make install 
> to finish installation
> The documentation says that the install step should be
>   sudo make -C ./builddir install
> So do I need to disable the install step completely within EasyBuild and
> do 'make install' as root separately afterwards?  I'd obviously need to
> keep the build directory.
> Cheers,
> Loris
> Valentin Plugaru <> writes:
>  Dear all,
> We're using the attached EasyConfig to deploy Singularity 3.3.0.
> Haven't cleaned it up enough for a PR, and there's new a new v3.4.0
> with support for encrypted containers that this EasyConfig should be
> adapted for, but I haven't had time to try it yet and see if any
> changes are needed.
> Kind regards,
> Valentin
> On 2019-09-09 16:04, Loris Bennett wrote:
>  Hi,
> I see the most recent version of Singularity available is
>   Singularity-2.4.2-GCC-5.4.0-2.26.eb
> Is there any particular reason why there are no easyconfigs for
> version 3?
> Regards
> Loris
Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email

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