Hi Terje,

many thanks for your insights! This certainly helps a lot. Once I sorted everything out, I will definitely make a PR :)


On 19.02.20 21:28, Terje Kvernes wrote:
Hi Sebastian,

Without claiming any divine authority on the matter, I would suggest separating out 
googledownloader and plyfile into their own EasyConfigs, and keeping the rest of the 
PyTorch-related extensions in a "PyTorch extensions”-bundle.

It is always a tricky question when to extend more “core” packages and when to 
make external bundles, but I’ve certainly started to lean towards using bundles 
more. This usually makes the core packages easier to update and reduces the 
possible dependency collisions between different extensions, leaving users to 
make informed choices (via conflicts when required) about what to load.

If possible, could you create pull requests via --new-pr for these EasyConfigs? 
The documentation is fairly straight forward on 
https://easybuild.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Integration_with_GitHub.html. I know 
some of my users are looking for PyTorch extensions, so I (and probably many 
others) would be happy to test and contribute to these EasyConfigs.  :-)

On 19 Feb 2020, at 12:57, Sebastian Potthoff <s.potth...@uni-muenster.de> wrote:


I have a question concerning PythonBundles/Packages in general and specifically to an 
extension of PyTorch: "PyTorch-Geometric". 

I created an EC PythonBundle including several PyTorch extension modules needed for 
PyTorch-Geometric. However my exts_list also inlcudes "googledrivedownloader" and 
"plyfile". Should these extensions better be installed by separate EasyConfig files? 
What's the preferred way?

There already is a PyTorch PythonPackage EC. Instead of creating a new 
PythonBundle, should I update the existing EC and add the extensions to this 
file? And when do I use the PythonBundle instead of the PythonPackage EB?

Many thanks for your help

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster
Sebastian Potthoff, M.Sc. (eScience/HPC)
Röntgenstraße 7-13, R.207/208
48149 Münster
Tel. +49 251 83-31640
E-Mail: s.potth...@uni-muenster.de
Website: www.uni-muenster.de/it

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