
Up until recently we had a homogenous cluster and built software for a
single microarchitecture.  We now have new nodes with different CPUs
need to rebuild a large number of packages.

However, rebuilding GCCcore-11.3.0.eb is failing with the following error: 

  configure: error: *** A compiler with support for C++11 language features is 

The system GCC is 2.20 (it is a CentOS 7.9 machine).

On the same machine it was apparently possible to build
GCCcore-11.3.0.eb in the past.  So do I now have to build an older
GCCcore, which EasyBuild can then subsequently use to build 11.3.0, or
how do I get around this issue?



Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin

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